Recover Like the Pros

Full Body Compression

Normatec compression therapy, favored by elite athletes globally, enhances recovery using dynamic compression technology. The rhythmic inflation and deflation of sleeves or boots mirror the body's natural muscle pump, improving circulation, reducing soreness, and boosting recovery. Trusted for swift fatigue relief and top performance, this cutting-edge technique isn't exclusive to athletes. It benefits anyone facing long periods on their feet, struggling with circulation issues, or seeking relief during pregnancy by promoting better circulation, reducing swelling, and enhancing overall wellness. At Di Thurma, we offer full body Normatec, utilizing the boots, hips, and arms/shoulders attachments.

Normatec Compression

  • Decrease Muscle Tension + Inflammation

    Inflammation has been researched heavily in recent years and it has been linked to a range of different performance and health issues. Normatec compression therapy can help decrease muscle tension and inflammation, which helps reduce recovery time.

  • Decrease Recovery Time

    When you reduce inflammation, you help reduce the overall recovery time for your muscles. This helps give you the benefits of also increasing the time you can spend in training. No matter if you are a full-time athlete or just love the sport you are involved in, decreasing recovery time gives you more time to do what you love and is one of the key benefits you can get when using Normatec boots, hip, or arm/shoulder attachments.

  • Increase Range of Motion + Flexibility

    Increasing range of motion is important for a wide variety of sporting activities including powerlifting, athletics, and ball sports. Normatec compression therapy helps to increase the range of motion in your legs by increasing the overall quality of your muscle recovery.

  • Reduce Swelling + Water Accumulation

    Swelling can be inevitable after you have had a serious or minor injury. And this is where the Normatec boots really come into their own and offer some fantastic benefits to your recovery. NormaTec has several settings that can be adjusted to your comfort. The compression essentially forces stagnant fluid or swelling away from the arm or leg and the release allows fresh blood flow into the area.

  • Increase Circulation + Promote Blood Flow

    Poor circulation has been linked to a range of different health issues and the Normatec boots can help increase circulation which is great both in terms of overall recovery and general well-being. Better circulations contributes to the health of both your heart and muscles and is another great reason to incorporate Normatec boots into your recovery strategy.

the most trusted system:

NormaTec compression utilizes a technique called intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC). This technology involves sleeves or boots that rhythmically inflate and deflate, creating a massage-like effect. This action helps mobilize fluids, enhancing circulation and reducing swelling or inflammation. By applying pressure to the limbs, NormaTec facilitates the removal of metabolic waste and encourages faster recovery after workouts or physical strain. The sequential pulsing action of the compression device aims to mimic the body's natural muscle pump, promoting better circulation and aiding in recovery.


  • Normatec compression therapy is an innovative recovery technique utilizing dynamic compression to improve circulation, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance recovery.

  • Normatec compression therapy involves sleeves or boots that employ pneumatic compression, aiding in lymphatic drainage and promoting increased blood flow to accelerate recovery.

  • The benefits include improved circulation, reduced muscle soreness, faster recovery, and the facilitation of lymphatic drainage, aiding in the body's natural detoxification process.

  • Normatec compression therapy is beneficial for athletes seeking faster recovery, individuals with circulation issues, those who spend extended periods on their feet, and even pregnant women experiencing discomfort.